Our Competitive Intelligence Approach:
We use a structured approach to gather competition intelligence.
We firstly determine your key intelligence needs in order for correct planning and direction to take place.
We then move to the relevant intelligence searching and gathering stage to help fulfil your business needs and goals.
The next stage is to understand the future implications of emerging threats and opportunities. The final stage is to make the found intelligence actionable and understandable by you through a process of analysis and dissemination.
Our process identifies and projects strategies that current or future competitors might pursue by providing a predictive, future oriented assessment of potential scenarios. This can also involve the use of economical Game Theory.
The purpose is to out-manoeuvre, out-wit and out-smart competitors. To out-wit your competitors, you need to know what they are doing. To out-manoeuvre them, you need to know in which direction they are going. To out-smart them, you need to be faster, so that you can overtake them and keep in front of them.
This approach is illustrated in the Competition Intelligence Cycle below:
Competition Intelligence Cycle: